domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009

A Música do Dia - Slow, Slow (Run, Run) - Ayo

Romoaldo de Souza

Badalada na Europa, Ayo, que na língua yorubá quer dizer prazer ou alegria, mescla os sons africanos de Maybe (Ayo Blues), de seu último trabalho, Gravity at Last, gravado no ano passado, com o reggae visceral de Down on My Knees, do primeiro trabalho gravado em estúdio, Joyful, em 2006.

Filha de um nigeriano com uma pesquisadora romena,
Ayo é natural da Alemanha e foi pequena para a terra do pai. Mais tarde, mudou-se a Inglaterra e depois foi para os Estados Unidos, onde conheceu a música de Pink Floyd e o som de Bob Marley, suas principais influências.

Para este domingo, eu fui buscar
Slow, Slow ou Run, Run, do disco Gravity at Last, que recentemente lancei na “Revista 100,9”, um programa em parceria com a Rádio Cultura FM. Espero que você goste.

Slow, Slow (Run, Run)

What have I become is that really me?
Look what I have done this is not who
I wanna be
I gotta face myself gotta chase my

Gotta free my mind get back my glow
I got to go
Yes I got to

Run run run run run run Run for my Soul
I better go go go go go go
Making sure I go slow slow I got to run run run run run run
Run for my Soul
I better go go go go go go
Making sure I go slow slow
I got to free my mind I got chase my

Soul I got to be myself I got to find

my glow Things are getting strange guess I

need a change
But I can't run away no I can't escape
I got to face myself got to free my
I got to chase my Soul get back my glow
I got to go
Yes I got to Run run run run run run
Run for my Soul
I better go go go go go go
Making sure I go slow slow

I got to run run run run run run Run for my Soul
I better go go go go go go
Making sure I go slow slow
I got to run run run run run run Run for my Soul
I better go go go go go go
Making sure I go slow slow I got to free my mind I got to chase
my Soul I got to face myself I got to
find my glow
Choir: You better run run run run run run
Run for your Soul
You got to go go go go go go
Making sure you go slow slow
You better run run run run run run
Run for your Soul
You got to go go go go go go
Making sure you go slow slow
Making sure you go slow slow
Making sure you go slow slow

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